1. "I'm too old."
Pole and Aerial is effective and fun at any age! There's NO limit. I have taught students ranging in ages from 11 to 85, and our student base is very diverse!
2. "I'm not strong enough."
Not many people are strong enough to do what they have seen on IG or Tic Tok. The whole reason you come to class is to learn and become the strongest version of yourself. Our curriculum is very comprehensive, and you start out in Intro and progress from there. The curriculum also allows students to move at their own pace.
3. "I'm too big/out of shape."
All body types can do Aerial. You can't change something by doing nothing. Pole and Aerial Fitness is 100% effective for whole body health and wellness. Start where you are today, commit, and tomorrow you'll be happy you did!
4. "I will look/feel stupid."
Everyone feels the same way when they start Pole and Aerial, everyone. As you learn and progress, your technique and confidence will help alter this self-defeating thought! Some failure stems from negative thoughts, once those thoughts are vanquished and replaced with positive reinforcement you'll see and feel the difference. You should be doing things for you, and your opinion is the only one that matters in the end. We work very hard to facilitate an environment that ensures growth and success.
5. "I'll fall off the pole and get hurt."
The truth is, no one has ever 'magically' fallen off the pole in class, especially in the beginning. In the the beginning, you're not on the pole in a way that you'd be physically able to fall off of it; Spins, climbs and movement make up the majority of my Beginner curriculum. Our experienced instruction on proper technique combined with our finely tuned curriculum will ensure your safety.
6. "I have a previous injury."
This a good to address; Always inform me and my other instructors about any current, or previous injuries that may affect your ability to do certain moves. Always have a physician approve any work-out regime before you start. Be sure to keep us apprised of any pains or issues you experience during class. Ultimately Aerial helps improve your joints and overall range of motion, along with flexibility, muscle tone and core/upper body strength which will significantly improve your journey to wellness.
7. "My family/friends may not approve."
This is a definitely a challenge for some. However, if you are properly educated about Pole and Aerial the capacity to change other people's perspectives is possible. Pole isn't what most people think it is; It's a beautiful form of art, fitness and sport combined. Pull up a video of any Pole Professional you love and share it with your family and friends. They love you, show them what you love, knowledge is power, so spread it! On the other end of this, your life and journey are your own. I have had students keep their journey private by creating private accounts to share the joy of their progress. Follow what's best for you, in the closet or out, we are here for you.
8. "I'm uncoordinated."
I hear this a lot. Our curriculum is very technique based, allowing your balance, control, rhythm, and coordination to grow. As you improve and start combining moves into sequences and building choreographed routines, you'll find yourself evolving even more. Almost everyone who starts Pole or Aerial has never done it before, which means you'll be on the same page as everyone else. Don't exclude yourself before you even try!
9. "I'm too shy."
You're not the first to feel this way and we all are lacking in the confidence department, especially when learning something new. Everyone learns at a different pace and has different learning styles. We work very hard to make everyone comfortable at the studio in the classroom setting. Please don't hesitate to express your needs to us. We want to make you feel comfortable and we strive to provide a safe and judgement free environment that you can learn and enjoy yourself in!! We also offer one-on-one instruction if you prefer to begin your Aerial journey in a more private setting.
10. "I'm not flexible enough."
There is no initial flexibility requirement to start Pole or Aerial. You wouldn't decide to not join a yoga or pilates class because you were already in shape and bendy beyond belief. That's why you go to class; results will follow! Their are only a small number or tricks that require extreme flexibility. If you want to focus on increasing your range of motion and flexibility the Studio offer classes that specialize in that weekly.
My Wisdom: There are loads of reasons to not try something. Negative thinking will ensure defeat. It's a bad pattern to fall prey to and will ultimately affect your overall happiness. Get out of your head and follow your heart. If you have a question or concern we have an answer. Let us help you love yourself!
Pole and Aerial is effective and fun at any age! There's NO limit. I have taught students ranging in ages from 11 to 85, and our student base is very diverse!
2. "I'm not strong enough."
Not many people are strong enough to do what they have seen on IG or Tic Tok. The whole reason you come to class is to learn and become the strongest version of yourself. Our curriculum is very comprehensive, and you start out in Intro and progress from there. The curriculum also allows students to move at their own pace.
3. "I'm too big/out of shape."
All body types can do Aerial. You can't change something by doing nothing. Pole and Aerial Fitness is 100% effective for whole body health and wellness. Start where you are today, commit, and tomorrow you'll be happy you did!
4. "I will look/feel stupid."
Everyone feels the same way when they start Pole and Aerial, everyone. As you learn and progress, your technique and confidence will help alter this self-defeating thought! Some failure stems from negative thoughts, once those thoughts are vanquished and replaced with positive reinforcement you'll see and feel the difference. You should be doing things for you, and your opinion is the only one that matters in the end. We work very hard to facilitate an environment that ensures growth and success.
5. "I'll fall off the pole and get hurt."
The truth is, no one has ever 'magically' fallen off the pole in class, especially in the beginning. In the the beginning, you're not on the pole in a way that you'd be physically able to fall off of it; Spins, climbs and movement make up the majority of my Beginner curriculum. Our experienced instruction on proper technique combined with our finely tuned curriculum will ensure your safety.
6. "I have a previous injury."
This a good to address; Always inform me and my other instructors about any current, or previous injuries that may affect your ability to do certain moves. Always have a physician approve any work-out regime before you start. Be sure to keep us apprised of any pains or issues you experience during class. Ultimately Aerial helps improve your joints and overall range of motion, along with flexibility, muscle tone and core/upper body strength which will significantly improve your journey to wellness.
7. "My family/friends may not approve."
This is a definitely a challenge for some. However, if you are properly educated about Pole and Aerial the capacity to change other people's perspectives is possible. Pole isn't what most people think it is; It's a beautiful form of art, fitness and sport combined. Pull up a video of any Pole Professional you love and share it with your family and friends. They love you, show them what you love, knowledge is power, so spread it! On the other end of this, your life and journey are your own. I have had students keep their journey private by creating private accounts to share the joy of their progress. Follow what's best for you, in the closet or out, we are here for you.
8. "I'm uncoordinated."
I hear this a lot. Our curriculum is very technique based, allowing your balance, control, rhythm, and coordination to grow. As you improve and start combining moves into sequences and building choreographed routines, you'll find yourself evolving even more. Almost everyone who starts Pole or Aerial has never done it before, which means you'll be on the same page as everyone else. Don't exclude yourself before you even try!
9. "I'm too shy."
You're not the first to feel this way and we all are lacking in the confidence department, especially when learning something new. Everyone learns at a different pace and has different learning styles. We work very hard to make everyone comfortable at the studio in the classroom setting. Please don't hesitate to express your needs to us. We want to make you feel comfortable and we strive to provide a safe and judgement free environment that you can learn and enjoy yourself in!! We also offer one-on-one instruction if you prefer to begin your Aerial journey in a more private setting.
10. "I'm not flexible enough."
There is no initial flexibility requirement to start Pole or Aerial. You wouldn't decide to not join a yoga or pilates class because you were already in shape and bendy beyond belief. That's why you go to class; results will follow! Their are only a small number or tricks that require extreme flexibility. If you want to focus on increasing your range of motion and flexibility the Studio offer classes that specialize in that weekly.
My Wisdom: There are loads of reasons to not try something. Negative thinking will ensure defeat. It's a bad pattern to fall prey to and will ultimately affect your overall happiness. Get out of your head and follow your heart. If you have a question or concern we have an answer. Let us help you love yourself!